Monday, September 13, 2010

Concert with Tito la Rosa in Berkeley, CA. Sept. 18th

Tito la Rosa is a re-known Sound healer from Peru and has been working with the traditions of the Q'ero-People, from the Andes of Peru and South America, for many years.  His work and what he brings is incredible!!!  

Come and join us in a Celebration for La Pachamama (Our Mother Earth) this coming Saturday, September 18th, in Berkeley, CA.
Tito la Rosa is a world renown musician and sound healer from Los Andes Del Peru.  He will be ending his 2010 USA tour with a musical celebration.

Laura Inserra ( and myself (Claudia Cuentas) will have the honor to accompany him in this Hermosa Celebracion a la Pachamama!!! Help us spread the word.
We hope to see you there,
Mucho amor,

Claudia Cuentas.

Berkeley Concert
Canto a la Pachamama
Song to Mother Earth

Tito la Rosa
with invited musicians

Claudia Cuentas & Laura Inserra

Saturday, September 18th, 8pm
at Unity Church of Berkeley, the Ecumenical Center
2401 Le Conte Ave, Berkeley Ca.

Tickets $30 in advance & $35 at the door - $5 from each ticket is a donation to Unity Church

Go to to Purchase Tickets for ALL events

Subject Line: Join Tito La Rosa in a Flower Ceremony

Handed lovingly down from the Q’ero Nation of Peru, Tito La Rosa gives to us the legacy of the flower ceremony. Tito is coming to the Bay Area for a limited tour and we invite you to participate.

Many hundreds of years ago, the Q’ero Nation, accepted their responsibility as keepers of ancient knowledge for humankind and Pacha Mama (Mother Earth). This wisdom continues to be handed down from generation to generation via story, song and ritual for all of our benefit.

Some time ago, Q’ero elders came to know of Tito’s music. Understanding his music as a powerful transmitter of traditions, the elders found Tito and began to teach him many things. One of those was the flower ceremony.

Steeped in the tradition of Munay (to be in the service of unconditional love) and invoking the Pacha Mama, he transforms the music from his ancient instruments into a healing medium. Ceremony can last between 4-5 hours as Tito enters into the plane of no time, where the power of love and healing also know no limits.

If you have something to let go of, something to mend, a prayer to send out, or something to celebrate, this ceremony is unlike anything you've ever experienced (Limited to 12 participants). REGISTER NOW!

The first seven people to sign up for ceremonies on September 4th, 8th or 9th will receive a free Tito La Rosa CD.

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